Sunday, May 23, 2010


I thought it was March that was supposed to come in like a lion, and go out like a lamb! Yesterday, it snowed & my car registered 35 degrees as I drove over to the VA in Boise. Dad is back in the hospital. This time they tell us with congestive heart failure instead of pneumonia. I get mixed information from various sources, and that is frustrating. Earlier, we were told that after they had run the cultures that he had the same type of pneumonia that put him in the hospital last month. He was supposed to have surgery on May 20th to remove the tumors in his bladder. He was not strong enough to do that. Supposedly, they will do it in about 3 weeks. Chad has gallbladder surgery this coming Tuesday; Berkley graduates on Thursday, May 27th, then her party is on the 29th. The Oregon crew is arriving on Wednesday. It is a busy time!

Also, Jake is leaving on Tuesday to go to northern Idaho to train for his company, so I will have Lola until Friday or Saturday.

I haven't seen Mom since last week as I have been so busy with Dad. We went to see her last week, and she was feeling better. She keeps begging to get out of there, and its hard on her & hard on us. We try to deflect her, and tell her soon, but she comes right back to it.

On a lighter note, I had dinner with Robin, Randy & Jake last night. The food was mediocre; the chocolate cake wonderful; and the company fun! Also, yesterday, Sarri competed in her first triathalon. She has amazed me her whole life, and she just keeps going!


If I have hurt or harmed you, knowingly or unknowingly, I ask your forgiveness. If you have hurt me or harmed me, knowingly or unknowingly, I forgive you.

I read this today, and realized that forgiveness is huge. . .as is thankfulness.