Monday, December 6, 2010


This year has been a year of turmoil. . .Dad's health; Mom in assisted living; personal relationships; money; losing Rodeo, my sweet, naughty yellow cat; Sarri & Joel's adoption journey; and many more events. This morning, I was thinking of the song, "He is Our Peace." In the midst of all the things that go on, it is so true. I know that whatever happens, God has promised He will never leave me or forsake me. I took this photo on the first big snow of the year. We got 8" all in one go which is very unusual for our area. I don't know why it is so blue, but its another little miracle. I think we have to keep looking for the things that give us a thankful heart. Sarri, Joel & kids are in Ethiopia for 2 months to add to their family. Baby R is so beautiful. I pray for her little heart. . .that she will know how much she is wanted & loved, not just by her immediate family, but by all the extended family, and many, many friends. I'm thankful for my siblings, and my parents. I feel so blessed to still have them all. I'm thankful for my pets. Reese is so funny. He willing goes to his crate at night, but can't wait to get up in the morning, and snuggle UNDER the covers with me. I'm thankful for Christmas. . .that God sent his Son to earth. I know the story by heart; but am still moved by what a sacrifice of love that was. I'm thankful for prayer. . .even in the darkest moments, I know I can cry out to the One who loves me most. Blessed! That's me!!