Thursday, February 4, 2010

Just a more normal day. . .

I wish that I was as Blog savvy as my niece, and many of the fellow bloggers. If I were, there would be colorful, meaningful photos to remind me of this day. Yesterday, my mom & dad came over for an early dinner. This wouldn't be that unusual if my mom was okay and still living at home. I had made spaghetti, and homemade ice cream. My mom was never a big spaghetti person. When she made it, she always used macaroni and her sauce had lots of ketchup! I made small salads to go with the spaghetti. Mom was so glad to be in my home. She is so encouraging these days! She loved everything. She seems to have a harder time following verbal cues. She was focused on the spaghetti, and didn't notice the salad until I cued her that it was there. If I say, "Your fork may work better than your spoon", she has a hard time transitioning. I had told Chad they were coming over, and if he was around, to stop by. He pulled in my driveway, and I told her that he was there. She asked if she knew him. I told her he was her son, and if she didn't recognize him to fake it! She laughed! When he came in, she totally knew who he was, and asked how his new house was. (Chad moved into a new house in town right before Christmas.) Her conversation always goes back to Dad, and when they can live together. He makes her laugh! Dad is such a good storyteller! My sister, Pam, loaned me a book by Lauren Kessler, called Finding Life in the Land of Alzheimer's. One of her experts said that Alzheimer's is a detaching disease. The interesting thing about Mom is that she seems to have detached from most people, expect for family. What makes this interesting is that as a child & adult, Mom always seemed to have more time & energy for others than she did for our family. I'm so thankful for this time to be able to enjoy her, and have her be in the moment, and not so frenetic! I know that it sounds odd, but in many way, I love this Mom more than I did the old Mom. I'm so sorry for her & my dad. They truly miss each other, but to me for the most part, its a gift! Having my parent's in my home for a meal together is more normal than visiting them separately. Its more normal than visiting Mom at Streamside, as thankful as we are for it & her caretakers! Mom always made homemade ice cream. There was rarely not homemade ice cream in our freezer, especially since she & Dad retired. I have been making it almost weekly as I perfect some recipes. I served it with little fruit pies. She was so happy, and so was Dad! Ahhh. . .I love them!!

1 comment: said...

We are so opposite when it comes to parents. Your Story is amazing yet so foreign to me. I was physically scared of my mother all my life and of my dad, 3/4, Couldn't wait for them to pass. Could not wait. Maybe I will learn Something from you, No pressure - my expectations of life are close to the ground but my belief in what God can change is ever soaring...